this is my second newsletter....it's just a test run...
let me know what you think...I don't think I need a "wakeUp"
call...so, pls get over yourself...this is about preparing for a
blissful nights sleep......things to do during the day...
My Stressfree Toilet
It isn't how low the price but what your paying for.
This entry is one for secret pal 10 and one for caught off guard.
At present there isn't a phone in the bathroom. The bathroom should be stress free.
I have a calendar hanging on the wall. My bathroom is a large 1/2 bath.
In my storage tub is mainly cotton to knit with. I plan to remove everything else.
I have cotton by most makers, I prefer Sugar and cream, Peaches and cream
for totally stressful, small projects.
If a member of the family should use my toilet; what kind of message am I conveying?
I would hope the message to " share my stressfree" moments: What is this room about? Respect
Do you see what I mean? Waking Up, Splash, coffee or tea.... you could record your voice in motivational
CD's for playing in your stressfree bathroom.
My stressfree bathroom has a notepad and a legend.
Candle = ideas or added new project
* = wishful date of completion
Most of the projects are small...
It's was the top of the 10th
The picture was painted - score 3 to 3
2+2=4x2=8x2=16 or Fibonacci...whatever you give you get back three = fold.
I'm serious what happens in my stressfree bath is my business
Next: Should I plant lavender in the 1/2 bath
What good would it do
If I walk away
To look back on the evening
To look "down in the valley"
Hear day give night a sigh, summer
comes exposes herself, shamelessly
Winter comes with cupped hands to hide it's face
Spring comes and what good would it do
If I walk away, if I walk away
It will all just be hear say
No one saw, No one heard