Thursday, November 21, 2019

like WoW ..a another Hat pattern..

Feelings : in a few days I will be 66 years old...I might start mentioning the bible and there....I thought retirement. would mean getting up in the morning and strapping on the attached case of passwords...and surfing ...:( no...I should say not..
thoughts on "Retirement"  compared to childhood(having parents and stuff)
 is there a future locally..or just a rut...collectively. ..
Remembering these are just outline
Everyday is your last day...your life..your first time around..
You can do so much more.
Give it your best..Every encounter is a new experience...a look at the future.
When you were a child there was discovery and exploration..
Starting out with the same tools , retirement. makes a leader..
The future is now, not the same as the past..
Bar-b-q cauliflower wings...zucchini dinner?
There is still winter need ..for a hat. here is a crochet pattern..for a "quick and easy"hat..
Make a circle by wrapping your yarn around a chunky pencil..crocheting the ring chain three then create 12 dc..join
Next round ...make 2 stitches in every stitch
Next round ...*1dc (in single stitch) 2dc(in next stitch)
stopping here your round has no till desired length...size small
Repeat last increase round for large...
starting with size N hook ..decrease every two rounds or so 3 hook sizes...example N ... L.  ..K for fit..
Thinking about my ears..i buy ..wide selection..great..low. Prices..great for starting a collection ..if you are a does have some larger gauge jewelry ....and a wide selection..of good stuff make you smile...

Saturday, November 2, 2019

blogging and 2020 ...

It will be 2020 in a " little while".  This year is starting early..I want to make plans....there are no plans to make..a happy face :) to help decide which way to turn...A new beginning or a path I have taken before...there is no later in retirement. .retirement is freedom..thepacked "bug out" bag.
here is the sock pattern I use...when I don't want to use a written pattern..
Starting at the toe
example:  8, 12, 16
starting stitches for the toe up
Using 4 needles, needles 1&2
the second stitch is the increase stitch
needle 3, second and next to last stitch is increase stitch.
Increase tillcorrect amount of stitch for the feet, the sock is being made for.  At ankle start heel ( or keep knitting 12 or so inches for tube sock)
using half of stitches- begin to work
back and forth ..knit one row ..purls one row
placing one stitch each time on a stitch holder, till 1/3 of stitches on each holder..
Then add back..
purl or knit till held stitches
One stitch PK UP( make) 2 stitches
Slip 1 stitch over the 2 made stitches (or 2 picked up stitches..)
till all stitches are back..
Work 10 rows (for short socks)or desired round..then add ribbing or omit the 10 rows- for short socks...

Use your size needles...  example size 8 would be 42 stitches
example size 2 64 stitches or 72...

Retirement Cooking
Beans ...soup ..patties..dessert ...3 bean salad is "good"
🍌 cookies or pancakes
Avocado ... ice cream ..spread...
Ice cream ..freeze a banana ...then blend in blender ...add some flavoring...
My new
good prices ...longer tunnels..