Tuesday, June 10, 2014


the UFO swap ....

Monday, June 9, 2014

nothing unusal....On being Black

this health thing is very interesting... try an
afternoon cup of "coffee" (recipe below)
and a 2 mile walk...in the morning...

Shadow in the fog
Night hiding in the creases of the day
sky and sea
No matter what I remember
It is another day

Each of us has only one life ..

what this amounts to is :
one tablespoon chicory
one tablespoon dandelion powder
three tablespoons Pero
40 or more ounces of water....
not exact... for an one of a kind cup of  coffee..

to continue...
a little ni--er slept in the woods...
afternoon played a song ...
in his memory
a little ni--er slept in the woods