Wednesday, August 15, 2018

this sob Story ..must end ..
I was going to settle with A and B..
now I am back to why...

One slipper done..

another shot..

Monday, August 13, 2018


Years of doing dope in my late youth...
just looking at the things ..a person does
not knowing what their doing..
I lost my teeth last month..had to give up the battle
and got dentures..
It is weird to have no taste..
right now I have new
teeth ...I think I left them " at home"..


Thursday, August 9, 2018

What u think?

Should I list all the different names I have on the internet..
Let me sure to let me know..
How do you let me know email..
I need to give you my email ...let me know if you want to offer a good opinion...
How does scribblebibble sound as compared to Ida Day..
let me know..

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Getting it together..!

Could be a new beginning living life.
It isn't correct to assume you have memories ..reflections for a chance at life.
Sixty five is saying " tomorrow"  in a quizzical tone..

Life is just a wonder so many people rage and hurt ..others..
Sixty five is a list of things you could have done.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Being 65...

On being..
B my name is...Bethel
and I live in Borneo..

You don't remember this you..?
It would be great to move to

65 over half a century...
more...later ...