Saturday, May 24, 2014

life ..?

I am so excited... "going healthy"
I am having garlic soup... nothing fancy...
and I want to try to make a bread recipe...
using celery,  carrots and walnut flour...
of course I need something to drink...
this entry was to be about ...a collective
of women working for 30 days
straight ... making merchandise for the swap-flea market ..
a pair of garter stitch socks ...done on two needles  ..
spiral ribbing...
and how it is natural to make two so as to have a pair...
unless you are special and were born with three feet...
hunch back born with three feet
     After Thought Heel
I accept the facts I can
I can
I am different,  yet the same
I am
sorrow has no4 walls
I never have time and life is escaping me... and soup
turns out to be... boiled mashed garlic turned into a peanut butter
spread.... on commercial bread...