Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Google .. no4walls

I made twenty hats in six weeks...
sold four and gave one away..

I know there are people that love hand knits
or crocheted by hand.
Thinking I was in the know I decided to open an online
store.  Being brave I thought to out the production of a good idea.
First option resell..I could go to the
dollar store and but stock ..to get started.
To make a hat take a couple hours normally..
all of sudden it takes two weeks..due to the
fact stuff happens..
Next I figured I needed a partner..
problems ..problems...
For instance..*k2,p2 * isn't a pattern
nor is *k1,yo,k2tog*...
so where I am at is the rest of the twenty hats includes charity.. a brave thought charity..many a empty pockets have been filled ..by way of charity...more on project ..
#no4walls ...always present..moving...love ..proverty
also ..I thought I could be paid by way of my gofund account ..just Google ...me...hats are three dollars ...fun hats ..no expert stuff...just..."don't you want me to make you a hat...

p.s.  how about a movie club..based on "the getaway"
club theme..you pay $30 a month...for a 24 hour marathon
located in dome city..your pass key sent ..along with
invitation...whatever..does it sound good...

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